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Where to plant in my garden?


This mound forming coastal plant looks beautiful in a rock garden.

Deadhead spent blooms to prolong flowering.

Needs regular watering in pots


Flowers: April-October

Habitat: Maritime grasslands, cliffs & saltmarsh

Height: 10-30cm

Growth Type: Evergreen perennial

Position: Full sun to semi shade

Soil Preference: Acid to neutral

RHS Perfect for Pollinators


  • Armeria maritima


    Jumbo plug plant (70cc)


    A compact, evergreen perennial, forming low clumps from which long stems of soft pink blooms emerge in summer.


    Pollen and nectar rich flowers attract bees, butterflies​/​moths and other pollinators.


    In Welsh it is known as Clustog Fair, meaning Mary’s Pillow in reference to its cushion-like clumps of leaves.


    It is the county flower of Pembrokeshire.


    A caterpillar food plant of the Thrift Clearwing Moth and Black-Banded Wave Moth.


    Advised to plant in informal groups to encourage recognition and attract bees, butterflies and other pollinating insects.

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